Smart Blinds.
Smart Living.

With the Neo Smart Blinds you can easily control your motorized blinds from anywhere.

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Stay connected to your blinds.

A Neo Smart Blinds Controller is all you need to turn your motorized blinds into smart blinds. You can then enhance all your blinds from anywhere with your smart phone.

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The Neo Smart Blinds Controller communicates with most major tubular motor brands, such as Bofu, Dooya, AOK and more, regardless of their specific wireless protocol.

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Plays well
with others

Neo Smart Blinds is well-integrated with the biggest smart home maker, Control4.

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Comfort, Privacy and Energy Management at your fingertips

Neo Smart Blinds strives to make home automation simple and affordable. With the Neo Smart Blinds Controller and Neo Smart Blinds App, you can now control your motorized blinds using your smartphone, tablet or computer,  from anywhere.

Control individual blinds, specific rooms or the entire house all at once. Set daily or weekly schedules tailored to suit your routine and needs. 

Choose Neo Smart Blinds for a more comfortable home, enhanced living space and lifestyle.

Neo Controller opened

Imagine, every morning, your blinds start to open gradually, waking you up naturally.

Imagine, when you start a movie, your blinds come down automatically.

Imagine, when the sun is too strong, your blinds know to block the heat, saving your energy.

With easy plug-in Neo Smart Blinds Controllers, wide product compatibility, and no monthly fees, Neo Smart Blinds play a big role in home automation.

Easy to Setup and Install 

No Contracts

No Monthly or Hidden Fees

Flexible and Portable

Meet the Core Team

Neo Zhang

CEO & Founder

Over nine years of sales and marketing experience in international trade, focused on the window coverings business, hardware/controller and software design led me to this most recent project, an app-controlled, automated system for motorized blinds, thereby filling a gap in the industry. I'm dedicated to bringing the world the next generation in home automation with Neo Smart Blinds.
When I'm not hard at work, I love cooking (particularly Chinese food, the spicier the better!) and outdoor activities. Don't be surprised if you see me standing at the foot of K2 someday! (Maybe not on top though...)

Marc-Etienne Brunet

CTO & Co-founder

A lifelong maker and applied scientist, my experience is varied. I've developed software, manufactured products, and published research for a range of industries and applications including building automation, renewable energy, and transportation. As the technical co-founder of Equipmind, I designed and deployed connected products for research centers, giving users realtime feedback and driving energy efficient behaviour change. I see a huge potential in home automation, and I'm excited to bring new ideas to the industry. On the weekends you're likely to find me outside with friends, rockclimbing, mountain-biking, or just running the barbecue with a big smile on.

Antonio Bacichetti

Chief Engineer

An engineer with 10 years' product development and research experience, passionate about transforming ideas into real products and performing cutting-edge integration of electronics, mechanics and software. Happy to be part of a leading team that is committed to creating a new experience in home automation.